Sieu Chung Ky Be clear! If you haven’t ever known or had capacities about something. There is no shame when you are trying to understand yourself and build up a transparent culture at work.
Image source: craniosacraaltherapie.nu
When you have trouble implementing the project, you need any help from your boss or colleagues. That is not shown you are bad, you are just proactive to look for solutions.
Do not think of the daily report which is not important or take your time. Actually, it is the evidence for your productive work which is based on completed time and clear statistics.
Moreover, the weekly meeting not only makes employees transparently communicate and respond with each other about the state of projects but also recommend and change plans as long as it is fit with a guaranteed time. All of them show the meaning of transparency in any situation.
Image source: siyli.org
A transparent trait makes us see throughout ourselves. When we are transparent, we are courageous to admit our weaknesses, take responsibility for any mistakes, and step continuously after failures.
Transparent culture creates a sustainable relationship that is based on beliefs to avoid any misunderstanding.
In a team, if each member regularly communicates clearly, any problem will be solved fast and appropriately. Furthermore, this also will improve job performance and will not waste our time and efforts.
Nguồn ảnh: siyli.org
Especially, when the leaders inform transparently about the state of the enterprise or are willing to answer any considerations of employees, you should believe that you are working at a clear workplace. Then, the employees also feel that they are appreciated and their beliefs with entrepreneurs are more perseverant. This is a great chance to match in opinions and understand each other to pass through difficulties.
A transparent culture also creates a straightforward attitude. Even though you are a boss or employee, you still need to be a transparent spirit, not justify criticism for any other purpose. If you become a person say-one-thing-and-do-another, you will lose all of your relationships, even those who are family, friends, or colleagues.
Nobody is perfect. Perfectionism does not help you become more perfect. Life is similar to a coin because both of them have two sides. In spite of the left side or right side, challenges or opportunities, it depends on the way which we choose.
Choosing a transparent life helps us focus on developing ourselves with a transparent mind and faithful beliefs. All of them generate an inner power to face any challenges in the future.
Do not forget to read The third secret of happiness at the workplace in the next article.
You can discover The first secret of happiness at work: Happiness when still face the pressure.
Sieu Chung Ky